Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 12 - The Chesterfield/Chester Debaucle

We left London this morning in high spirits. Today was the day we were going to see the home of Mr. Darcy!! We were heading for Chatsworth house, used as Pemberly in the recent version of Pride and Prejudice. Alas, a master tour planner I am not...I took us to the Chester train station instead of the Chesterfield train station. Those of you from England can stop laughing. I learned from a very amused taxi driver that Chester is in fact NOT in Derbyshire but that he would be happy to drive us there for 150 pounds stirling.

We sat in silence in the freezing, outdoor train station and tried to regroup. The "help" desk was not so helpful and we soon learned it would take us several hours to get to the right place, at which time we would then have had a 30 minute taxi ride to our B&B. Ready to be out of the cold, and spend some time relaxing, we decided to go to Aberystwyth a day early. Our hotel was accomodating and we were soon on our way.

Despite a crowded train, and almost being left at a random station when we tried to change cars, we eventually arrived in Aber. Thankful for a warm room, we looked forward to sleeping in the next morning.

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